Grandparents are the genetic parents of a person’s mother or father. Though they are placed higher up in the family tree, they are essentially the common link between two generations of children and grandchildren.
The social importance of inheriting from grandparents is much bigger than what it is worth. So we tend to value this relationship on what is passed down. The lineage, grandparents leave us with is precious, the actual wealth. Through hard long life they gather the lessons that life has taught. This includes, the lessons well learnt and lessons ignored. They share everything equally, only with a hope that the new generation will save their face.
In today’s world, grandparents mostly play the role of care takers of their grandchildren, which they do with utmost love and affection. Grandparents are excellent story tellers. Story telling is an art as much as authoring a book. Toddlers are great listeners and can gather information quickly. That’s when they need to be told stories- fables, with morals, myth, or just for fun.
Sometimes, due to family problems, they become the guardians of their grandchildren.
Families have shrunk from homes to apartments of few square feet. Except for a few, grandparents are not part of the homes. The absence is felt only by the parents who have grown up with grandparents. But lifestyle leaves little space for accommodating them. So the children don’t actually miss what they don’t have. Eventually, there is a little lag in their all-round development. Children in their moulding years miss interacting with the elderly. Young adults might only wish for a warm hug, when parents get stricter.
During their twilight years, grandparents see the unconditional love of toddlers and kids as divine. As for many, they have their attention alone to give for us. Living with them or keeping in constant touch with them gives us some personal satisfaction. Having lesser expectation from the elderly, we can live amicably.
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Raja Ganapathy
When ever some one acknowledge any goodness in me, I remember my Grand parents. The most compassion personality i have seen in my life Missing them a lot
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