Progression Plan Counselling

Only for the chosen few, careers are made while for the others, you have to make a career. To take up a work and make a career of it, undoubtedly, one has to put his time and energy into it. . It is absurd to move directionless. A career path comprises of all the related jobs done over a long period of time. The path can never be smooth but with a well drawn career plan, there will always be light at the end of the tunnel.

To work through your career progressively, a career plan becomes essential. As a career revolves around you, firstly, set your goals right. What would you like to achieve and where do you want to see yourself at the end of it all. Talents and likes don’t go hand in hand always. You can give shape to your talents or just take up what you like. Then assess your present position at work, to see if you are in the right place or not. The right place is not only the field of your choice, but also the job assigned to you, the environment at work and the experienced seniors you can rely on.

As you get into the thick of things, you may require to update yourself of new technologies or to acquire a new set of skills. Look out for the places where you can take up a training course. Or increase the scope of your job, to get it through job experience. Be flexible to the arising challenges. An uninteresting job may give you the required experience to go ahead. And at times, getting serious about a job that is not in demand may not be advisable, especially for lone fighters.

On a career path, it is necessary to have goals. Putting them down in words to device an action plan is worth your entire struggle. As we take up different roles in life, it is natural that we cannot keep track of our course of action. As time passes by, we may unfortunately drift away. You can write down, as to what your goals are and the means to achieve. Alongside, note down the obstacles and the means to clear them. This will help in asserting that you are bound towards your desired destination.

A river’s path is rugged and flows through many lands. It never loses sight of its destination though. Work through your action plan and dreams will never seem any far.

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